LASIK eye surgery at KMN EyeCare

LASIK eye surgery, or Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, is a medical procedure that results in better vision for patients. The procedure utilizes lasers to reshape the cornea, or the clear, round part of the front of the eye. This surgery applies to patients who have refractive errors, such as:

  • nearsighted vision (myopia),
  • farsighted vision (hypermetropia), or
  • astigmatism.

LASIK eye surgery is a common solution for patients that suffer from the above-mentioned defects. LASIK is also a permanent procedure that will reduce or eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. At KMN EyeCare, the LASIK eye surgery procedure is a smooth and comfortable experience. The procedure is bladeless. Highly skilled KMN EyeCare surgeons employ FDA-approved excimer laser technology  to rectify patient vision. At KMN EyeCare, LASIK eye surgery  is quick and painless, while recovery is fast and results are impressive!

LASIK eye surgery: KMN EyeCare LASIK patient testimonials

At KMN EyeCare , we believe clear vision is of utmost importance, and quality in achieving it is key. Our LASIK procedure has put smiles on all of our patients, each leaving our clinic with the sharpest vision they’ve had in years. Our utilization of eye care’s latest technology, in combination with our experienced LASIK surgeons, has made this possible. We can thus ensure that our patients will undergo a smooth and transparent LASIK procedure from start to finish. LASIK eye surgery at KMN EyeCare is an experience to remember, providing patients with a comfortable process from your first KMN EyeCare visit to your follow-up visits.

Vincent Rivaldi Kosasih: Playing basketball is even more fun after LASIK!

"As a basketball athlete, I have habits from leaving the hotel to the field, always I have to put the glasses in the box first, then wear contact lenses. After LASIK, that habit really changed. When I'm in the field, it's much clearer now than before"

LASIK eye surgery: Background

Although LASIK eye surgery is now a well-known procedure, it stems from decades of research and experiments in surgical eye care.

In the 1990’s, LASIK was first introduced as a process that used excimer laser, a highly accurate laser that permanently reshapes a healthy cornea so as to foster clear vision without from the use of contact lenses or glasses.

In 1999, wavefront technology became available, allowing for the precise analysis of a person’s cornea refraction prescription map. The combination of the wavefront analysis with the excimer laser enables a unique, personalized cornea reshaping process for each patient.

Whether or not LASIK will be successful depends largely on the candidates themselves. A physician’s examination of the patient can determine whether or not the candidate is suited to LASIK surgery by better understanding the clinical features and requirements of each individual patient. Individuals considering the procedure should thus be sure to consult with their eye doctors before deciding on whether or not to move forward with the procedure, gaining an understanding of what exactly the procedure entails before, during, and after the process.


3D Corneal mapping

The first step in LASIK eye surgery procedure is 3D Corneal Mapping, which determines your visual acuity using the wavefront analysis. Because each of your eyes is as unique as your fingerprint or DNA, your doctor needs an accurate and detailed analysis of each eye before moving on to the next steps. Wavefront analysis collects a high-definition 3D visual representation of each eye’s visual pathway by comparing light passing through your eye to the light pattern of a perfect eye. Your doctor then uses this information to help personalize each of your eye’s vision correction requirements so as to provide you with the best possible results.

Wavefront analysis technology measures your eyes’ unique imperfections 25 times more accurately than standard methods while capturing 1200 data points to accurately measure your unique vision imperfections and deliver a highly personalized treatment. (Source: Alcon)

Personalized flap creation

The second step in the LASIK eye surgery procedure is the flap creation, using the IntraLase method. KMN EyeCare uses iFS™ Advanced Femtosecond Laser, a 100% bladeless laser approach, to create your personalized flap. This method uses tiny, precise pulses of laser light to tailor and create the corneal flap customized to your unique eye shape. The LASIK flap, a thin layer of tissue, is then folded back in preparation to gently reshape the cornea. The iFS™ Advanced Femtosecond Laser takes only 10 seconds to create the flap, compared to other femtosecond laser technology that requires 30-40 seconds. Aside from that, the flap created is smoother and has a highly precise thickness.

Personalized vision correction

The third step of the LASIK eye surgery procedure is to gently reshape your cornea using an Excimer Laser based on your unique wavefront analysis measurements and correction information.  Afterwards, your doctor will reposition the flap, and your procedure is complete. Your flap heals naturally to the underlying strombus bed.

How much does LASIK eye surgery cost?

LASIK eye surgery may be more affordable than you think.  KMN EyeCare is committed to providing the highest level of service quality at an affordable price.

Cost of LASIK eye surgery at KMN EyeCare

One eye IDR 15.000.000

Two eyes IDR 30.000.000,-

Comprehensive examination rates around ± IDR 7.000.000


  • Administration Cost
  • Initial Examination

The cost of LASIK for both eyes is IDR 37.000.000*

* Cost of LASIK treatment on both eyes exclude Doctor Consultation fee

FAQ for LASIK eye surgery

What is LASIK eye surgery?

LASIK, or Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, treats refractive errors such as:

  • near-sightedness (myopia)
  • farsightedness (hypermetropia)
  • astigmatism

by changing the thickness and curve of the cornea. Conventional LASIK surgery still uses a mechanical blade; however, LASIK is completely bladeless and uses only femtosecond laser. This results in far higher levels of precision and accuracy than conventional LASIK. LASIK at KMN EyeCare specifically uses two pieces of equipment: Femtosecond Laser and Excimer Laser. Only the combination of these two pieces of equipment can be termed "Bladeless" LASIK.

Is LASIK eye surgery painful?

In all the years that KMN EyeCare has performed LASIK, there has never been a complaint that the treatment is painful. Prior to surgery, you will be given topical anaesthetic in the form of eye drops. No injections are required, and you remain conscious throughout the procedure.

What check-ups do I have to go through before undergoing LASIK eye surgery?

There are 8 tests you must undergo:

  • refraction,
  • intraocular pressure measurement,
  • corneal topography,
  • tear production,
  • corneal thickness,
  • specular microscope,
  • lab test, and
  • physical eye examination.

Your doctor will use these test results to determine if you are a candidate for LASIK.

What level of near-sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can be solved by LASIK eye surgery?

LASIK eye surgery can treat refractive errors including near-sightedness up to -12 Dioptre, astigmatism +/- 6 Dioptre, farsightedness up to 8 Dioptre. However, whether or not you are a candidate for LASIK depends on your corneal thickness.

How long does LASIK eye surgery take?

If all goes to plan, LASIK treatment at KMN EyeCare takes 20 minutes from the time you enter to when you leave the operating room.

What should I remember after undergoing LASIK eye surgery?

You will be given a list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for the two weeks after undergoing LASIK. In principle, you should use your eyes as soon as possible so as to adapt to your new vision. However, you should not rub your eyes, allow water to enter the eyes, or wear makeup around the eye.

Can I resume my activity directly after undergoing LASIK eye surgery?

In all the years that KMN EyeCare has performed LASIK, there has never been a complaint that the treatment is painful. Prior to surgery, you will be given topical anaesthetic in the form of eye drops. No injections are required, and you remain conscious throughout the procedure.

What makes LASIK eye surgery at KMN EyeCare better than conventional LASIK eye surgery?

  • Higher safety levels. KMN EyeCare LASIK is approved.
  •  Precision. Some LASIK procedures simply reshape the cornea based on a standard prescription, giving everyone the same treatment. KMN EyeCare LASIK uses wavefront-guided technology to provide a precise diagnostic map of the cornea by measuring how light waves are distorted as they travel through your cornea.
  •  Recovery. The flap created in LASIK generally re-bonds faster to the underlying stromal bed because it is created by the femtosecond laser beam that applies a series of tiny bubbles within the central layer of the cornea without cutting the cornea, as would a blade.

Would I be a candidate for LASIK eye surgery?

KMN EyeCare’s pre-LASIK operation exam is extremely thorough and, if you are not a LASIK candidate, your surgeon will not proceed. At the very least, you must fulfil the following personal requirements:

  • be 18 years of age or older,
  • have healthy eyes,
  • have stable vision,
  • not be lactating or pregnant,
  • not suffer from diabetes,
  • remove your soft lenses for 2 weeks prior,
  • and remove hard lenses for 3 weeks prior.

What are the side effects of LASIK eye surgery?

The types and length of side effects differ for each patient, but generally you will encounter a slight “grainy” feeling in your eye, glare, dryness and fluctuating visual acuity. These side effects are almost always temporary and generally disappear completely several months after the procedure.

How long is the LASIK eye surgery recovery process?

This is extremely subjective and depends on each patient’s situation, but generally:

  • 2-3 hours after the procedure, the patient experiences slightly cloudy vision and discomfort;
  • 24 hours afterwards, their visual acuity will be improved, but there will still be a “halo” effect;
  • after one week, visual acuity continues improving but is still unstable;
  • after two weeks and beyond, patients generally enjoy high visual acuity.

Find your doctor

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Ari Djatikusumo
DR. Dr. Ari Djatikusumo

After completing his retinal fellowship in Japan and Singapore, Dr. Ari returned to Indonesia and worked as faculty at the University of Indonesia’s Medical School. He then joined KMN EyeCare to strengthen our retina unit.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Annette
Dr. Annette Mariza

After graduating from University of Indonesia Medical School in 2004, Dr. Annette began her career in the Cilandak Naval Hospital and Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and joined KMN EyeCare in 2005.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Arief
Dr. Arief Wildan

Dr. Arief joined KMN EyeCare in Semarang in 2010 and completed his retinal fellowship in Thailand between 2012 – 2013.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Bondan
Dr. Bondan Harmani

After completing his ophthalmology residency, Dr. Bondan joined the Faculty of Ophthalmology at the University of Indonesia Medical School, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Danang
Dr. Danang Dwinaryono

Dr. Danang joined the team at KMN EyeCare after completing his ophthalmology residency at the University of Gadjah Mada Medical School in 2013.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Emil Sjahreza
Dr. Emil F. Sjahreza

After graduating from the University Indonesia Medical School, Dr. Emil practiced at KMN EyeCare in Semarang between 2010 and 2012. He then completed his fellowship in vitreoretinal surgery at the Sydney Eye Hospital where he was involved in 1,105 cases of vitreoretinal surgery.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Henry
Dr. Henry Warouw

Dr. Henry joined KMN EyeCare in Semarang after graduating from the University of Gadjah Mada Medical School in 2010.

Dr. Sudarmadji
Dr. Ira Sudarmadji

Dr. Ira joined KMN EyeCare since its inception in 2004 and continues to practice in cataract, oculoplasty, and LASIK treatment.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Barliana
Dr. Julie Dewi Barliana, M Biomed

Dr. Julie earned her ophthalmologist degree from the University of Indonesia Medical School, as she also previously completed General Practitioner and Master of Biomedicine at the same university.

Dr. Kevin

Dr. Kevin joined KMN EyeCare in 2020 after completing his Ophthalmology Specialist at Sam Ratulangi Manado University.

Dr. Maria Magdalena Purba

Dr. Maria joined KMN EyeCare in 2020 after completing her Ophthalmology Specialist at University of Indonesia.

KMN EyeCare- Dr. Martin Sondak
Dr. Martin Sondak

Dr. Martin immediately joined the team at KMN EyeCare after graduating from the University of Sam Ratulangi Medical School in 2010.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Maya E. Suwandono
Dr. Maya E. Suwandono

Dr. Maya joined the KMN EyeCare team after graduating from the University of Indonesia Medical School in 2010. She performs LASIK, glaucoma and cataract surgeries.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Rasoebala
Dr. R. Viktor Rasoebala

After graduating from his residency in ophthalmology at the University of Indonesia, Dr. Viktor joined KMN EyeCare in 2005.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Ricky
Dr. Ricky E. Rooroh

After graduating from the University of Sam Ratulangi Medical School in 2002, Dr. Ricky underwent several fellowships before joining the team at KMN EyeCare in 2004.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Rien
Dr. Rien Widyasari

After graduating from the University of Indonesia Medical School in 2012, Dr. Rien immediately joined KMN EyeCare.

Dr. Rifna Lutfiamida
Dr. Rifna Lutfiamida

After graduating from the University of Indonesia Medical School in 2003, Dr. Rifna joined KMN EyeCare in 2004 and has expertise in inflammations and infections, cataract, and LASIK treatment.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Rini Hersetyati
Dr. Rini Hersetyati

After graduating from the University of Gadjah Mada Medical School in 2000, Dr. Rini completed additional training at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) before finally joining the team at KMN EyeCare in 2004.

Dr. S.M.I. Supit

Dr. Supit graduated from the Universitätsklinikum der Goethe Medical School in Germany in 1981 and also completed his specialization in ophthalmology in 1986.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Sjakon
Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija

After completing his retinal fellowship at the Lions Eye Institute, Perth, Australia in 1994, Dr. Tahija returned to Indonesia and practiced as a Vitreoretinal Consultant at Jakarta Eye Center before establishing his own chain of ophthalmology clinics, KMN EyeCare, in 2004.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Soeharnila
Dr. Soeharnila

After completing her specialization in ophthalmology and several fellowships, Dr. Nila immediately joined KMN EyeCare since its inception in 2004. Dr. Nila has expertise in corneal transplants.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Tri Wijayanti
Dr. Triwijayanti

After completing her ophthalmology residency at the University of Indonesia 2013 and several fellowship in retina, Dr. Tri joined KMN EyeCare in 2019.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Upik
Dr. Upik Mahna Dewi

After graduating as an ophthalmology specialist from the University of Gadjah Mada Medical School in 2003, Dr. Upik practiced at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital for one year before joining KMN EyeCare in 2005.

Dr. Vinsensius G. Budiman

After completing his ophthalmology residency at the University of Sam Ratulangi Medical School, Dr. Vinsen practiced at Medistra Hospital and joined the team at KMN EyeCare in 2004.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Wijarso
Dr. Widowati S. Wijarso

After completing her residency in ophthalmology at the University of Indonesia, Dr. Widowati (Dr. Ike) continued a fellowship in glaucoma at The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York, USA.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Wulan
Dr. Wulan Aprianti

After completing her ophthalmology residency at the University of Indonesia Medical School 2012, Dr. Wulan worked at the Royal Progress Hospital for one year before joining KMN EyeCare in 2013.

KMN EyeCare - Dr. Yulinda Soemiatno
Dr. Yulinda I. Soemiatno

After graduating from the Padjadjaran University Medical School, Dr. Yulinda underwent a postgraduate internship in the field of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.

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