Pricing at KMN EyeCare

At KMN EyeCare, we provide our patients with top-quality medical eye care at competitive prices. While a number of our treatments and their prices are dependent on your personal diagnosis, others are offered at fixed rates. Below, you can get an understanding of what certain treatments cost with KMN EyeCare.

LASIK surgery cost

LASIK eye surgery may be more affordable than you think. KMN EyeCare is committed to providing the highest level of service quality at an affordable price.


Cost of LASIK eye surgery at KMN EyeCare

One Eye  IDR 15.000.000

Two Eyes IDR 30.000.000

Comprehensive examination rates around ± IDR 7.000.000


  • Administration Cost
  • Doctor Consultation

The cost of LASIK for both eyes is IDR 37.000.000*

* Cost of LASIK treatment on both eyes including a supporting examination

Cataract eye surgery cost

KMN EyeCare offers several cataract surgical packages for our patients to choose from. All packages are done using phacoemulsification as a standard procedure. The difference in cataract surgery pricing is based on the chosen intraocular lens in each package.

Monofocal IOL Lens

Monofocal IOL’s are the most commonly used type of intraocular lens. These lenses have only one focus, which is the distance focus.

This type of lens is also the best type of lens for night driving because it has less glare effect than other types of lenses.


a. Silver

AcrySof® Single Piece (Alcon) 

Price starts from IDR 22.800.000



AcrySof® IQ (Alcon), Tecnis® Monofocal 1-piece (Johnson & Johnson), Zeiss CT Asphina (Zeiss)  

Price starts from IDR 25.800.000


Advantages of Monofocal IOL

  • Optimal vision.

  • Especially for the Gold lens type:

  - Improved vision quality and resolution, especially in low light conditions.

  - Improved patient comfort.

  - Improves protection of the retina and helps prevent age-related macular degeneration.

  - Blue blocker filter that protects the retina just like a natural lens.


Disadvantages of Monofocal IOL

  • Unable to correct astigmatism (cylinder eye).


Monofocal Toric IOL Lens

Monofocal Toric IOL’s are a premium type of intraocular lens used to treat astigmatism.

AcrySof® IQ Toric (Alcon), Zeiss AT Torbi (Zeiss)

Price starts from IDR 39.600.000


Advantages of Monofocal Toric IOL

  • Has all the advantages of a Monofocal lens, plus the following:

  • Reduce or eliminate dependence on cylinder glasses.


Disadvantages of Monofocal Toric IOL

  • Unable to correct intermediate and reading distance vision.

Trifocal IOL Lens

Trifocal IOL’s are a type of intraocular lens used to treat nearsightedness, intermediate, farsightedness and old-eye problems. 

AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® (Alcon), Tecnis Synergy™ (Johnson & Johnson), Zeiss AT Lisa Tri (Zeiss)

Price starts from IDR 47.000.000


Advantages of Trifocal IOL

  • Has all the advantages of a Monofocal lens, plus the following:

  • Optimal vision at near, intermediate and far distances, thus minimizing dependence on glasses (both far-sighted and reading glasses) after surgery.


Disadvantages of Trifocal IOL

  • Unable to correct astigmatism (cylinder eye).

  • May cause glare or halos, especially at night.

Trifocal Toric IOL Lens

Trifocal Toric IOL is the most comprehensive type of intraocular lens which is used to treat nearsightedness, intermediate, farsightedness, old eyes and astigmatism. 

AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® Toric (Alcon), Zeiss AT Lisa Tri Toric (Zeiss)

Price starts from IDR 58.700.000


Advantages of Trifocal Toric IOL

  • Has all the advantages of a Trifocal lens, plus the following:

  • Reduce or eliminate reliance on cylinder glasses.


Disadvantages of Trifocal Toric IOL

  • May cause glare or halos, especially at night. 


Retina surgery cost

As retina treatments vary greatly from patient to patient, costs and pricing per condition may vary. Nonetheless, the costs for intravitreal injections at KMN EyeCare are as follows:

Avastin injectionIDR 4.500.000
Patizra injectionIDR 12.050.000
Eylea injectionIDR 17.000.000